
Shape the future of mobility with us.

We look forward to hearing from you, because only together can we push e-mobility forward.

The charging station for your neighborhood.

On Charge and Wirelane will be joining forces in the future and pooling their experience and strengths. With Wirelane Public, we develop, install and operate charging systems for growing electromobility in municipalities. Together with thousands of citizens in Germany, we apply for sites for charging stations where they are needed – at no cost.

We provide charging infrastructure in public spaces!

We check your location

We help you to find a suitable location and check all criteria for you. Together we create your application for a charging station in the public space in your neighborhood.

We file your claim

We file an request for the desired location with the city after inspection. Upon approval, we organize the installation of the charging station and its flawless operation.

You can finally charge!

Together from the application to the charging station in your neighborhood! Our charging stations are manufactured in Germany, are calibrated and certified by TÜV.

You need a charging station in your neighborhood?

We have the solution.

Our Service.

Quick check of the location

After receiving your request for a charging station in your neighborhood, our team checks the location and feasibility. We have criteria that are specified by the municipalities, such as the size of the parking lot.

Application to municipality

We file a request for the installation of a charging station with two charging points with your municipality and keep you informed about the progress.

Setup of charging station

With the approval of the municipality, we go directly into the implementation and build the charging station at your desired location with our partner network. The two associated parking spaces will also be correctly signposted.

Service and maintenance

We setup our charging stations here in Germany and operate them with our own software, so we can meet our high quality standards.

We will do it for you free of charge

  • Examination of your desired location
  • Application to the municipality
  • Installation of the public charging station
  • Maintenance and service

The charging solution for citizens and municipalities.

Request a charging station at your desired location at no cost now. Let's drive e-mobility forward together!

"Das war einfacher als gedacht! Die Prüfung meines Standortes hat nur 10 Minuten gedauert! Und meinen Antrag hatte ich in 5 Minuten ausgefüllt. Jetzt lade ich endlich direkt vor meiner Haustüre!"

Mark S. aus Essen

You need a charging station in your neighborhood?

We have the solution.

Gestalten Sie mit uns die Zukunft der Elektromobilität.

Wir freuen uns darauf von Ihnen zu hören, denn nur gemeinsam können wir die E-Mobilität voran treiben.